Hepatitis foundation international biosimilars issue brief Ivonne Fuller Cameron, Lauren Healy, Willis Chang PDF | Full text | Share
Context dependent role of p53 up-regulated modulator of apoptosis (puma) during liver degeneration and regeneration Subhrajit Biswas PDF | Full text | Share
Factors affecting remission and relapse in alcohol dependence can they really predict? NagaichN, Radha S, Neeraj G, Sandeep N, Subhash N PDF | Full text | Share
Egy-score can predict portal hypertension and oesophageal varices in chronic hepatitis c with good sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy Elghamry Fathy,1 AlboraieMohamed,1 SalimMohammed,1 Shabana Hosam,1ShaheenAhmed,2 Egyptian liver fibrosis study group1 PDF | Full text | Share
Frequency of Biliary infection and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern in patients with extra-hepatic biliary obstruction undergoing non-surgical interventions with reused accessories Vijay Sharma,1 Ghoshal U,2 Baijjal SS,3 Sharma R,4 Choudhuri G1 PDF | Full text | Share