Importance of fasting abbreviation and analgesia in the satisfaction and recovery of elderly patients with hip and femur fractures. retrospective study with 1,001 patients Luiz Eduardo Imbelloni, Thaís Bezerra Ventura, Bruno Brasileiro, Márcio Duarte, Robson Barbosa, Siddharta Lacerda, Geraldo Borges de Morais Filho PDF | Full text | Share
Myasthenia gravis – can i relax my patient? a case report Ana Sofia Cunha, Ana Paula Santos, Ricardo Andrade PDF | Full text | Share
Caudal block in combination with general anesthesia as the best method of anesthesia for large joint replacement Nasibova EM, Nasirli JA PDF | Full text | Share
Development of a scoring system with laboratory and ultrasound parameters to predict the choledocholithiasis Dr. Gonzalo Torres Ortiz C, Jorge Luis Navarro A, Dra. Isabel Torres Ortiz V PDF | Full text | Share
A prospective randomised double blinded study-to evaluate the analgesic efficacy of transmuscular quadratus lumborum block in percutaneous Nephrolithotomy via VAS score Baraniya PA, Prof .Dr Aruna Parameswari PDF | Full text | Share