Statin induced myopathy presenting as quadriparesis: a case report Sushil Khanal, Kripa KC, Supriya Lamichhane PDF | Full text | Share
Case report: transcaval impella placement in a patient with acute lv dysfunction from ethylene glycol toxicity Prashanth Singanallur MD, Nilesh Goswami MD, Govind Pandompatam MD, Muhammad Kashif Qaseem MD PDF | Full text | Share
A retrospective case series of PENG block combined with femoral & lateral cutaneous nerves block as novel regional anesthesia approach for hemiarthroplasty & dynamic hip screw (DHS) Redouane Mecharnia, Loubna Zabat, Laid Hodni, Dhari Abdulateef, Talbi Houda, Maeen Obadi, Ayasa Muhamed, Salim Al lahham, Ghanem Aljassem PDF | Full text | Share
Ostomy – more than what you see... integrative literature review Sandra Paula Morais de Matos PDF | Full text | Share
Thrombolytic therapy in conjunction with CPR has managed cardiac arrest caused by extensive of pulmonary embolism and subglottic laryngeal oedema Dr Hesham H Hamza Aly PDF | Full text | Share