Accurate fetal sex determination from maternal blood at 8 weeks gestation Justine Casanova, Sarah Cacia, Haley Milot, Chris Jacob PDF | Full text | Share
Lived experiences of pregnancy among women with sickle cell disease receiving care at Mulago hospital: a qualitative study Tumwesige Kenneth,1 Namagembe Imelda,2 Kayiga Herbert,1 Munube Deogratias,2 Rujumba Joseph1 PDF | Full text | Share
Public knowledge on some factors that influence male and female infertility in Nigeria: social media users’ perspective Abayomi B Ajayi,1 Bamgboye M Afolabi,2 Victor D Ajayi,1 William Popoola3 PDF | Full text | Share
Perinatal complications of children born after assisted reproduction treatments, is there a difference with those born by spontaneous pregnancy? results in 2 centers Hector Salvador Godoy Morales,1 German Gabriel Palacios Lopez,2 Griselda Claribel Reyes Torres,3 Pablo Joaquin Cervantes Mondragon,3 Daniel Vieyra Cortés,3 Hilda Sanchez Hernández,3 Miguel Loyo Guiot3 PDF | Full text | Share
Mothers experiences with still birth: a dead fetus as a’tax’ given to allah: qualitative phenomenological study Dawit Tiruneh, Agezegn Asegid PDF | Full text | Share