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International Journal of
eISSN: 2381-1803

Complementary & Alternative Medicine


Received: January 01, 1970 | Published: ,

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The electroencephalogram (EEG) indicates a continuing fluctuating electrical activity of the brain that is seemingly distinct from function-directed neural impulses. The primary role of the oscillating electrical activity reflected in the EEG is still uncertain. Some theories relate to the stabilization of oscillating processes with correcting forces that increase with the extent of any deviation from the optimal rhythm. Yet, it is notable that the equivalent of an EEG has not been incorporated into sophisticated computers capable of highly complex data processing. This article proposes a fundamentally different purpose of the oscillating electrical activity of the brain. It is that the brain can provide an added source of cellular energy throughout the body through an activation process of the body’s fluids. This hypothesis is based on the in vitro finding that dipolar compounds with separated electrical charges can transform water from being in a rather static state to being far more dynamic. The activated water has markedly enhanced kinetic activity, reduced resistance to flow and a higher evaporation rate. Examples of dipolar compounds with water activating activity include humic and fulvic acids, zeolites, terpenes and some commonly used pharmaceutical drugs. It is thought that the separated electrical charges on these compounds attract an environmental force called KELEA (Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction) and that the energy can be transferred to nearby water, possibly in an oscillatory manner. Based on this analogy and on the many reports of the brain having profound effects on health, it is proposed that the brain’s electrical activity may be acting as a variable antenna for KELEA absorption and for the transfer of the energy to the body’s fluids. Preliminary data of water activation by a laughing yoga class support this proposal.

Keywords: psychiatry, mind-body medicine, energy medicine, ace, KELEA, alternative cellular energy, activated water, yoga, melanin


ACE, alternative cellular energy; KELEA, kinetic energy limiting electrostatic attraction; EEG, electroencephalogram; oz, ounce


The concept of mind body medicine is that thoughts and emotions have dramatic effects on the orderly functioning of the entire body.1 The effects can be either beneficial or detrimental. A generalization is that behaviors, which stimulate the parasympathetic system are preferable to behaviors that stimulate the sympathetic system.2 Similarly, the production of certain neurohormones, such as dopamine and endorphins, has been correlated with reduced stress.3 An additional correlation is that alpha (α) and especially gamma (γ) brain waves are more soothing than beta (ß) brain waves.4 Individuals also have fundamentally different intrinsic emotional thought patterns and react in distinctive ways to adverse events occurring largely out of their control. These responses can extend from agitated stress, even in anticipation that something bad may possibly happen; to calm and serene acceptance of reality. Similarly, there is a spectrum of life adaptations from being excessively sad to being overly and uncritically joyful, with nonchalant and/or indifferent attitudes between the two extremes.

Mental health professionals typically explain the paucity of joy and happiness in terms of brain pathology and especially attributed to a functional imbalance in neural networks and/or neurotransmitter levels.5 While, still speculative, it is possible that appropriately coordinated fluctuating electrical activities in various parts of the brain, not all of which are reflected in EEG recordings,6 may play an important role in maintaining overall health. This article proposes a possible mechanism for this health-enhancing affect. It is that the brain’s electrical activity can variously influence the level of activation of the body’s fluids. Activation of the body’s fluids could, in turn, have a positive feedback mechanism on the energy capturing performance of the brain. A similar speculation can be made regarding the fluctuating electrical activities of muscles, including the heart.

Resolving these issues has assumed an enormous importance since mental illness is not only tragic for the individual but increasingly a cause of crime7 and of international terrorism.8 Psychiatrists have not succeeded in stemming the rise of mental illness through either psychotherapy or psychopharmacology. The threat of incarceration is also a rather ineffective deterrent in the face of irrational thinking.10 Indeed, threatened or imposed punishment can fuel the sense of helplessness and trigger anger and revenge.

While there have been many advances in defining the major circuitry of the brain, the underlying processes of consciousness, self-awareness, mood and attentiveness are only vaguely understood. A reasonable assumption is that since the brain is known to utilize a relatively high level of the available cellular energy, that any disruption in cellular energy pathways would be expected to have significant adverse effects. Conversely, readily available cellular energy could be expected to enhance overall brain functions.

Studies on the body’s defense mechanism against stealth adapted viruses have identified a cellular energy pathway, which is basically different from the cellular energy obtained from food metabolism. It is referred to as the third or the alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway, with photosynthesis being the first and food metabolism being the second energy pathway.11–16 The ACE pathway has been equated with an induced, dynamic quality of the body’s fluids. It seemingly results from the absorption of an environmental force termed KELEA (Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction). While regular water does not ordinarily absorb KELEA, it can be transferred into water using various compounds and energy transmitting devices. Once water is sufficiently activated by KELEA, its separated electrical charges can seemingly directly absorb KELEA from the environment, leading to its further activation. As discussed elsewhere, this principle applies to the preparation as well as the clinical usefulness of homeopathic formulations11

As a generalization, water activating compounds are dipolar, i.e. have separated electrical charges. The working hypothesis is that free electrical charges attract KELEA, possibly as a fundamental requirement to prevent electrical charges undergoing annihilation through fusion.11 Within this context, it is possible that the broad based fluctuating electrical activity in the brain, as reflected in part by the EEG, is providing an antenna for bringing KELEA into the body. A preliminary experiment conducted within the American School of Laughing Yoga (http,// is consistent with this interpretation.

Among the simpler methods of assessing the extent to which water is activated has been to measure the weight loss over time from closed, but not completely sealed containers. Using screw capped 2 oz glass vials containing distilled water, the expected loss of weight over a 6 hour period is typically less than 0.1 mg/ml for static, non-activated water. Values >0.5mg/ml are viewed as a measure of activation, with some experiments with highly activated water yielding values of several mg/ml. The time period required to reach >0.5 mg/ml can be extended beyond the standard 6 hours for lower levels of activation, provided there is no substantial reduction in the control values.

Eight vials of distilled water were prepared for random testing in a laughing yoga class and pre-weighed. Four vials were taken into the class, with 4 control vials left outside. The class instructor repeatedly asked the 10 class members to focus their thoughts and laugher onto the 4 test vials during the hour-long session. All of the vials were regularly weighed over the ensuring several weeks. At 8 and 24hours, there were insignificant changes in the measured weights of the control vials (averages of minus 0.015 and plus 0.004mg/ml, respectively), whereas the 8 and 24hours results of the test vials at 8 and 24hours were averages of minus 0.31 and 0.82mg/ml, respectively. After the 24hour weighing, portions of the water from one of the test vials and from one of the control vials were transferred to small dishes so as to examine the microscopic dissolving patterns of particles of neutral red dye sprinkled onto the water. A distinctive linear to-and-fro dissolving pattern of the dye particles was seen with the sample of test water, compared to the rather stationary dissolving particles placed onto the control water.

Accelerated weight reduction continued in the 3 remaining test vials such that at 7days, the readings of the test samples were minus 1.7, 2.0 and 3.0mg/ml, compared to minus 0.09, 0.05 and 0.29mg/ml in the 3 remaining control vials. Progressive weight loss further continued in the test vials with values at 4weeks being minus 8.8, 9.8 and 7.4mg/ml. It was concluded that the laughing yoga class had indeed achieved the initial activation of water, which continued to progress and even to increase over time. In a comparable study, water samples were placed into the proximity of individuals exercising in a gymnasium. There was no measurable reduction in weight over the ensuring several days of observations in either the test or control samples. Additional attempts to determine if muscular activity has water-activating capacity need to be conducted.


The basic premise of this paper is that the brain can enhance the quality of the body’s water by acting as an antenna for receiving and transmitting KELEA. The concept of the brain having an effect on water was embodied in the writings of the late Mr. Masaru Emoto.17 He stated that emotional goodwill could enable water drops to form more symmetrical crystals upon freezing. It is likely that this effect was due to a reduced freezing point, which allowed for slower water crystallization. Certain individuals claim that they have refined their ability to activate water to the extent of seeking business partners to help commercialize their skill. From serious discussions with some of these practitioners, they commonly assume a very relaxed and decidedly humble and forgiving attitude. In so doing, they believe they become a conduit for a water-changing environmental force. Reiki, Johrei and related healers also commonly express this belief. Other healers are more flamboyant and proudly speak of their daily communications with God. The contrasting styles are somewhat analogous to differences between Methodists’ and Evangelists’ approaches to religion.

Many water activating and/or health-restoring devices are driven by pulsed electrical inputs (reviewed in reference11). The devices typically emit electromagnetic, magnetic and/or electrical energies. Examples include the Violet Ray Lamp of Edgar Cayce, the Beam Ray of Royal Raymond Rife, the multi wave oscillator of Georges Lakhovsky and the pulsed magnetic field device of Pannos Papas. In principle, all of these approaches are also likely to generate the radiant or impulse force detected by Nikola Tesla upon the discharge of high voltages. Some devices do not require electrical inputs and are seemingly driven by a freely available environmental force. Examples include Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone energy chamber; Victor Roehrich’s Intrasound emission from heated aluminum tubes cut to different lengths; Wilhelm Mohorn’s Aquapol device for reversing the upward flow of water into masonry; and General A. J. Pleasonton’s use of colbalt blue glass in greenhouses. To help explain their findings, Nikola Tesla and many other pioneers has argued for a freely available environmental force. Various names have been applied to this force including etheric, dark, subtle, zero-point, free, proto, original and odic. Energy emanating from living organisms has also been variously designated as life force, animal magnetism, radionics, prana, vril, etc.

Materials with energy transducing activities are detectable in dried perspiration of certain individuals with chronic illnesses18 and can activate water. They can typically take the form of colored, self-assembling particles and fibers and are particularly prominent in patients diagnosed with Morgellon’s disease.19 An energy-absorbing function for melanin has also been postulated,20 with a particularly intriguing example being melanin deposits in the retina of certain birds and chickens.21

Once water is sufficiently activated, it can directly absorb further energy from the environment. This can be easily demonstrated in terms of increased rates of infrared radiation and by certain practical applications. For example, Johann Grander simply ran regular water through a container within which there is a separated compartment containing his activated water. In so doing, the running water was apparently becoming activated ( The concept that water can transfer the activation process to other water is also embedded in the practice of homeopathy.22

Since its origin with Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy has been used in the empirical treatment of a wide range of medical conditions, including mental illnesses.23 Although restricted by regulatory authorities, many commercial water products are sold with an implied health benefit. The benefits are generally attributed to mineral content and/or alkaline pH. Unfortunately, the claims are rarely based on actual clinical studies.

Certain locations, such as Lourdes (France), Nordenau (Germany), Hunza (Pakistan), Nadana (India), Tlacote (Mexico) Maricial (Russia), and the Great Salt Lake (USA) are historically renowned for their health benefits and it seems unlikely that all of these reported sites are simply providing regular drinking water.24 The biological benefits of activated water have also been proven in agricultural applications.25

The actual nature of KELEA has yet to be fully resolved. While, it may well accompany electromagnetism, being attracted to the fluctuating electrical field, it probably exists as a more fundamental universal force. It is unlikely to be solely derived from the sun since water activation occurs during the night as well as during the day. There are some indications, however, that KELEA is less available during humid periods, as might be expected if it can be absorbed by partially activated water.

Consuming activated water is viewed as potentially the first step in restoring normal brain function; especially in those in whom this cannot easily be achieved through voluntary efforts. The desired outcome is for the consumed water to enhance the brain’s intrinsic ability of directly capturing KELEA from the environment. This should further facilitate an individual’s ability to explore and hopefully realize additive benefits of activities such as humor, music, religion, and possibly exercise. The latter activity is included since fluctuating electrical activity of muscles, including the heart, may also function as an antenna for KELEA.

There is an important clinical need to directly compare clinical outcomes of patients consuming activated water, with that consuming lower energy level water and to relate any observed benefits to an enhancement of the ACE pathway. Similarly, clinical testing of the proposed relationship of brain activities to the ACE pathway and, in particular, to the dynamics of the body’s fluids is warranted.


The brain uses more food-derived calories in terms of weight than any other organ. It would not be surprising, therefore, that if an ancillary energy supply process were available to animals, that it would be incorporated into the brain. It is proposed that the spontaneous electrical activity of brain cells is providing an antenna for collecting an environmental force, termed KELEA, and that this can enhance the biological activity of the body’s fluids. It is further proposed that this brain activity may be somewhat controllable by learned behaviors and thought processes. It may also be assisted by the consumption of KELEA activated water, or alternatively by ingesting dipolar compounds with water-activating capacity.



Conflicts of interest

The authors declare there are no conflicts of interest related to the article.




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