Subcutaneous emphysema after tonsillectomy: a case report and literature review Alzahrani Rajab A PDF | Full text | Share
Neuroendocrine tumor in the presacral region: a case report Ronel Barbosa,1 Cristina Padilla,2 Ángel Rojas,3 Gennifer Barajas4 PDF | Full text | Share
A rare cause of acute mechanical intestinal obstruction: abdominal cocoon syndrome Talar Vartanoglu Aktokmakyan,1 Candas Ercetin,2 Hakan Yigitbas,2 Osman Bilgin Gulcicek,2 Erkan Yavuz,2 Aytac Biricik,2 Fikert Calikoglu,2 Fatih Celebi,2 Atilla Celik2 PDF | Full text | Share
Intra-operative detection of a small lung nodule using methylene blue-is it time to revisit this technique? Alison A Smith,1 Joseph F Buell,1 Andrew Marshall,2 James Caridi2 PDF | Full text | Share
Aesthetic refining with autologous fat graft post breast reconstruction Laurinda Castellani,1 Roberto Jose da Silva Vieira,2 Marcio Paneghini3 PDF | Full text | Share
Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid in a thyroglossal cyst-a rare incidental finding Kafil Akhtar, Jowairiah Hasan, Sumbul Warsi, Shafaque Zabin PDF | Full text | Share